
Never Forgotten Memories,


School: East Spring Secondary
Class: 2E3! ♥
Class Comittee:
Chairperson: Safwan
Vice-Chairperson: Eileen Koh
Treasurer: Shermaine
Assistant Treasurer: Danielle
Welfare in-charge: Vanessa Goh
Secretary: Celine
Assistant Secretary: Eugenia Environment Ambassadors: Amabel & Moses

bold underlined
strikethrough italic


Form Teacher: Ms Ng
Form Tutor: Mr Chew
English: Ms Sng
Maths : Mrs Kaspar
M.T: -
Science: Ms Ng
Lit: Ms Cheong
History: Ms Cheong
PE: Mr Tay
DNT: Mr Koh & Ms Ng
Geography: Ms Goh
Art: Ms Shahah

Weekend Homework



January ♥ :
Vanessa Goh's Birthday:13th January
Lionel's Birthday: 14th January
Bang Xiang's Birthday: 23rd Jaunuary
Jenelle Ng's Birthday: 27th January

Febuary ♥ :
Esther's birthday: 1st feb
Xuan Lin's Birthday: 14th Feb
Joycelyn Tan's Birthday: 23rd Feb

March ♥
Class Birthday: 1st march
Evita's Birthday: 5th March
Aqil's Birthday: 14th March

April ♥ :

May ♥ :
Mid's Birthday: 2nd May

June ♥ :
Marcus's Birthday: 27th June

July ♥ :
Amabel's Birthday:3rd July

August ♥ :
Shermaine's birthday:1st August
Rusyaidi's birthday:19th August
Dzul's birthday:25th August
Hariz's birthday:29th August

September ♥ :
Eugenia's birthday:4th September
Eileen.K's Birthday: 25th September

October ♥ :
Eileen Lim's Birthday: 31st October

November ♥ :
Danielle's birthday: 15th November
Anryl's birthday: 20th November
Celine's birthday: 20th November
Janelle's birthday : 29th November

December ♥ :
Eliza's birthday: 12th December


preferred maximum width to be 180px.


Amanda Senpai
Lay Mei
Xuan Lin


January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
September 2010
October 2010
November 2010
December 2010
January 2011
February 2011
April 2011
July 2011



Layout Designer:

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Group 10
Investigative Work

Part A:...We take the number of people in Chile which is 16758114 divide by the area of the land which is 756950km2 to get the number of people per square kilometer which is 22.13899729=22

We then correct our answer into 4 significant figure which is 22.13899729=22.14.

Part B...We take the population in part A which is 16 758 114 and estimate it to the nearest 1 millon which is 17 000 000.

We then take the people that are dead which is 300 and find the pecentage which is 300 over 17 000 000 multiply by 100 pecent which is 3 over 1700.

We then take 3 over 1700 and change it to decimal place.

Part D.......Firstly, we change the variable c and a into 22.14 and 1.07 respectively. We add the one in the bracket first then continue the equation according to the instruction.

Part E......We multiply the answer in part D into 2 because they need it twice a day and they need to reserve it for the next coming days.

Part F.......The price of the copper metal will increase because people in chile have to repair the damage thing which is very expensive and cost lots of money.
Hence, the price of the copper metal increases.

8:25 PM

Monday, March 22, 2010

Investigative Work
S1E3 Group 4
Group members: Esther(24), Jia Wen(21), Shi Bin(39), Sean(33)

Part A
Explanation: We use 16 758 114(people from Chille) divide by 756 950Km2 to get the answer 22.13899729 and estimate to 22.14 as the question stated that we must round off the answer to 4 significant figure.

Part B
Explanation:The question stated that to round off the people in Chille which is 16 758 114 to the nearest million which is 17 000 000 and also told us that 300 people were killed in that earthquake. We were then asked to find the people that were killed as a percentage of the estimated total of people in Chille and we use 300/17000000 x100% and we will get the answer 3/1700%.

Part C
Ans:34.85km and 35.24km
Explanation:The question stated that write any 2 possible numbers that when round off to 4 significant figure, you will get 35km. Therefore, we use these 2 possible answers 34.85km and 35.24km, convert them to metres which is 3485m and 3524m and then round off by 4 significant figures to derive at the answer 3500m which is also the same as 35km.

Part D
Ans:6863440 litres
Explanation: We used the previous questions answer in question part A, 22.14 to find out what is 'c' in this question and the question stated that 'a' is 1.07 litres. Then, we use 22.14 and times (1.07+2.03) and we will get 68.634. After that, we use 68.634 x 1 000 000 to derived at the answer 6863440 litres.

Part E
Explanation: the question stated that "For a country to have adequately stocked up on the water supply, they will have to store an amount which is equal to twice of its daily usage". Thus, we use the answer from the previous question part D which is 6863440 litres and so we times 2 which gives us 13726880.

Part F
The price will increase after the earthquake. This is because the people in Chille needs more money, hance the price will become more expensive. The copper would be more difficult to find and also people would need to make even more money to support themselves to survive. Hence, the price will increase.

5:21 PM

Investigate Work
S1E3 Group 5
Group Members: Celine Koh (3), Evita Satrio(9), Dzulhaily(28), Moses(29)

Part A
- 22.14
Explaination: We divide 16 758 114 people from 756 950km2 and we get the answer 22.13899729 and we estimate it to 22.14 beacuse the question ask us to round off the answer to 4 significant figures.

Part B
- The Answer is: 3/1700%
Explaination: The question asked us to estimate the total population of Chile to the nearest million and hence, we estimate 16758114 to the nearest million and the answer is 17000000.The question says that there isan estimated population of 300 people and we have to find out the number of people killed as a percentage of the estimated total population of Chile.So, we take 30/17000000 X 100% and the final answers is 3/1700%.

Part C
- 34.89km and 34.95km.
Explanation: 35km is equals to 3500m and the possible values are 34890 and when 34890m is corrected to the 4 significant figures, it is 3400m.

Part D
- 6863440 litres
Explanation: We have to find ‘y’ and ‘y’ is = c(a+2.03)x1000000.’y’ is the amount of water needed by the country per day(in litres),’c’ is the population per square kilometers and ‘a’ is the reserve needed per person, which is 1.07 litres.Hence, we take 22.14 which is the population per square kilometers times (1.07+2.03) and the answer is 68.634.After that we take 68.634 times 1000000 and the final answer is 6863400 litres.

Part E
- 13726800 litres.
Explanation: The question said ‘For a country to be adequately stocked up on water supply, they will have to store an amount which is equal to twice of its daily usage’. Hence, we have time the daily usage of water which is 6863400 tires by 2.So, the answers is 13726800 litres after we take 6863400 litres times 2.

Part F
-After the earthquake, I think the price of the copper will increase. It is because, after the earthquake, many of the people affected lost everything and many of them are homeless and poor. With this situation, the price of the copper will increase because most of the people there would use what they could sell to earn money for their families to provide needs for themselves, for examples, buying food, to fill their stomach.

3:14 PM

Investigative work
S1E3 Group 7
Group Members
Mei Ting

Part A-
The population is 16 758 114 people and the area is 756 950km square.

To find the number of people per square km is using 16 758 114 (The population of the people) divided by 756 950km square(The area).
The answer is 22.13899...
but it is needed to correct to 4 sig fig.
So, the final answer is 22.14(4 sig fig).

Part B-
Estimate the total population of Chile to the nearest million.
The total population is 16 758 114 as stated in (A).
When estimated to the nearest million, the answer is
16 758 114 estimated 17 000 000

300 people were killed because of the earthquake.
And there are left with 16 758 114 minus 300 is equals to 16 757 814

And calculate the people killed as a percentage of the
ESTIMATED total population of the people,
300 over 17 000 000 multiply by 100 percent is equals to 0.001764705 percent

Part C-

The depth of earthquake is approximately 35km from land surface.
Write down the 2 possible original values correct to 4 sig fig.

The answer could be lesser than 35km or more than 35km.

34.995 could be the one of the original value,so corrected to
4 significant figure, the answer is 34.99 and when corrected to ones
the answer is 35km. ====

35.363 could also be the original value,so corrected to
4 significant figure, the answer is 35.36 and when corrected to ones
the answer is 35km. ====

Part D-

y=c(a+2.03) multiply by 1000000

y is equals to the water needed by the country per day(in litres)
c is equals to the population per square kilometer
While a is equals to the reserve needed per person,which is 1.07 litres
Find y
So,1.07 plus 2.03 equals 3.10.
Then,c(3.10) is equals to c multiply by 3.10.

c is equals to the population per square kilometer,
so we got the answer from (a)
So we take 22.14 multiply by 3.10 = 68634
Next, take 68634 multiply by 1000000 and you will get the answer 68634000

Part E-

From the previous answer it is 68634000
It is said that Chile needs twice of its daily usage of water.
So,68634000 multiply by two and the amount of water reserve
needed by Chile is

Part F-
Chile is the leading supplier for copper metal.

After the earthquake, the price of copper will definitely increase.
It is caused by the earthquake. After the earthquake Chile needs
resources like food, water, clothes and shelter for the wounded
and the victims of the quake, but it is all destroyed by the quake.
And in order to get all these resources, they need money to buy
from other countries, perhaps. So they have to increase the prices
of copper metal and get more money to buy the resources.


2:54 PM

Monday, March 1, 2010


Celine K AKA secretary XD

4:29 PM